Tuesday, August 26, 2008

32 Weeks!

Can you believe we are less than eight weeks away from meeting Donovan?!! I can't wait! Well...yes I can, because there's lots to do yet to prepare for our little prince's arrival. At our 30-week check-up and sonogram, Donovan's head was already down, which is great!

He's definitely taking up more and more real estate in my tummy (he is about 3.75 lbs. and 16.7 inches long and should gain about a half a pound per week in the next seven weeks...ouch for momma!) and moving lots and lots. It's fun to watch my stomach warp and move as he kicks and turns. I'm feeling a bit more pressure on my back and against my ribs at times. But it's all worth it. :)


mateo gonzalez said...
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Cari Lee said...

You are so beautiful Angie...you have always glowed, but now even more. I am so incredibly happy for you. Love and miss you tons my kindred spirit.