Sunday, June 22, 2008

23 Weeks!

Baby is 23 weeks today and moving around in momma's tummy more and more every day. I love it! I've been feeling him since 17 1/2 weeks, but now I feel him several times a day and much stronger. The pattern seems to be that about 0 to 10 minutes after I eat, he does his little happy dance. (Just like Daddy.) Sometimes, when he's kicking like David Beckham, Josh can put his hands on my belly and feel the thuds and thumps. It's very fun for him. Josh has also been talking a lot to my tummy, telling the baby all of momma's secrets, what to do when I give him "the look" when he's about to be in trouble, and to grow big and strong (only, between 7 and 8 lbs. in the womb, but as big as he wants outside of the womb, haha!).

What's new in baby's development? Well he's about a 1. 5 lbs now, the size of a large mango and the weight of three 8 oz. glasses of water. (I sure feel like I've got three 8 oz. glasses of water inside me when I have to go potty all the time.) He can hear my heartbeat, my laugh, my voice when I'm talking or rooting for the Boston Celtics, and the gurgles from my digestion. Outside noises like music, the vacuum, and the dogs' barking will all be familiar to him once he's born. To learn more about what he's doing this week and what he kind of looks like, check out:

In other news: Baby's cousin, Jeremiah William Wagner, was born last Tuesday, June 10. My older sister Adeena gave birth to her second child, little Jeremiah, and he is just a prince! "Beautiful," "perfect," and "gorgeous" are words I've heard from others to describe him. Josh and I cannot wait to meet him the weekend after next, when we'll be down in San Diego for fourth of July weekend.

Also, Josh's sister Stacy just announced that she's pregnant again! Her first child, our niece Sienna, just turned 1 years old in May, and will have a new baby brother or sister in late February or early March. So, our baby will be four months younger than Jeremiah and five months older than Stacy's new baby. Cousins, cousins, cousins! The grandmas and grandpas are going to get more grandchildren than they could ever hope for in the next year, haha!

Hope you all are doing well and blessed. Stay tuned for an update on the baby's nursery and more photos to come...

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5

1 comment:

Grace Moseley said...

You look great! I'm so excited for you guys. I love keeping up with your through your blog. Can't wait to meet the little peanut!