Friday, June 6, 2008

IT'S A................

The icing on the cake, after my two-week trip to Israel and Rome, was coming home to Josh (who I missed SO much), and getting to go the doctor’s with him the next day for my 19.5-week sonogram. After seeing the most beautiful and interesting places in the world, I can still say that seeing my perfect little baby moving around in my tummy was the coolest and most beautiful and miraculous thing I have ever seen! We also found out the sex of the baby, who was incredibly cooperative, haha! Let’s just say the baby was in full “hiking the football” mode, so it was plain to see that………………’s a boy! We are THRILLED!!! We were really hoping for a boy first, but would have been totally happy and blessed either way. The doctor said he’s 300% sure it’s a boy, in case you are wondering, and that he’s as perfect as a baby can be. Praise the Lord!

Unfortunately, we didn't realize that the video camera's battery had died, so we were not able to catch this on film and deliver one of Josh's famous Merrill Movies to you. :)

As for the name, Josh and I are tossing around a few that we like, and aren’t telling anyone until we’ve decided. So don’t ask, haha!

In other baby news, I felt him for the first time at 17.5 weeks at work one day, but I wasn't positive that that's what I was feeling. It was definitely confirmed for me the second or third day in Israel; I felt him move one time when my pastor and boss (Pastor Dudley) was speaking on the Mount of Beatitudes and another time he was speaking on the Sea of Galilee. I leaned over and told him quietly on the boat while everyone was singing worship songs, "My baby must like your preaching! I felt him move twice today for sure." Dudley got teary-eyed and it was a very cool and sweet moment. :)

Love you all and thanks for your continued prayers and love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for names...James is always a good choice.