Monday, July 14, 2008


Several of my friends guessed the name right little geniuses you! So, the suspense is over. We are naming our son...drum roll please:

Donovan Briggs Merrill

Donovan means "dark haired, darke skinned warrior" and we just really like the name. Briggs is a Merrill family name. It is Josh's grandmother's maiden name, and his and his dad's middle name.

Pretty cool, huh?

Acceptable nicknames: Dono (i.e. "dawn-oh") or Van
Nicknames no-no's: Don or Donnie.


Carolyn Joyce said...

i love you, Angie! You're so cute and I love the name of your little guy!

Brandy Brow said...

Great name. I love it. Very unusual. Congrats again!

The Building Brows