My husband and others would like me to blog more, so here I go:
First off, please excuse the frumpy and terribly nonflattering workout pants, haha! These photos were taken last Sunday. Last Saturday, May 3, I woke up definitely feeling pregnant. The mornings are when my tummy feels the smallest, but there was some serious roundness going on. Josh noticed too! So I feel pregnant now, and it's very exciting! I can hardly believe I'll be officially four months along in just a couple of days. Time flies--but as a few ladies have made it a point to say, "that's because you weren't sick your entire first trimester!" I feel a little bit bad about that, but, hey, people, I prayed to the Lord for nearly two years that He would spare me from nausea and vomiting during my pregnancy, and God is GOOD! :)
Some more changes:
- Weird twinges in my hip flexors and lower abdomen. They say your ligaments and bones and organs start moving to make room for the baby. Waking up two to five times in the middle of the night to stretch, drink water or go potty. Unfortunately, it doesn't make for feeling completely rested come morning time, but I guess it's prep for a newborn waking me up in the middle of the night. :)
- Taking naps here and there. I had the most awesome 30-minute nap on Sunday. In the past if I took a nap--which was rare--I'd need to block out a whole hour to do so. Problem is, you feel like you got hit by a truck when you wake up. But I think 20 to 30 mintues is the key, for me at least. I took a nice 15-minute nap today in Josh's office. He has a couch. And his sweatshirts are practically the size of blankets, so I'm nice and warm, hehe!
Been walking and hiking with the dogs at least three times a week, so I think that's why my energy has been so good.
I'm getting excited for my trip to Israel and Rome next week! I leave next Wednesday for 13 days with 98 other people from my church. Sadly, Josh is not one of them, and I will miss him soooooooooooo much. If some of you can call him from time to time and remind him that I need him to paint our bedroom and work on the backyard, that would be GREAT. :)
I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again yesterday at my doctor's appointment, 16-week checkup. That never gets old, and is quite possible one of the best sounds in the world! Looking forward to hearing my baby's breath, laughter, and voice once he or she is born, too. Speaking of "he or she" we find out the sex of Baby Merrill on May 27, the day I get back from my trip. Stay tuned.